Grouping Social Media Accounts

Yes, there are services to post to loads of accounts in one go, but what if you want to create sub-groups of your accounts? Like…

  • Splitting your English, Scottish or Welsh accounts
  • Grouping accounts that are involved in a particular promotion
  • Grouping accounts that only want specific content, such as ‘showbiz’ or ‘sports’

To begin, it’s really easy create a group, give it a name and then drag and drop the accounts you want in it.

For Admins, they have access to the default, “All Accounts” group, but you can create others, with any combination of accounts and users.

When you’ve created a group, you can then decide who has access to it. So maybe you only want ‘Judy’ to be part of some of your accounts, rather than all of the ones in your organisation.

It’s not that you don’t trust Judy, of course, she just doesn’t need all of them. Better to be safe than sorry.  Access to groups is, you’ve guessed it, drag a drop!


Below, is the moment Judy gains access to the “Facebook Eng” accounts.

And removing access is also easy.

Access is controlled through the site, so you never need to give out passwords, so if ‘Jamie’ gets a new job with a competitor, it’s one click and he’s gone. No need to change passwords.

You can then toggle between the groups you’ve created with the dropdown.

The idea being that you won’t have to select the correct combination of Facebook accounts each time. And it’s super simple to switch between them.

To get started, sign up here.